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About Us

Our Team

Debra Longley - Edited.png

Debra Longley

Executive Director
Katie Sharp - Edited - Edited.png
Katie Sharp
Outreach and Education Director
Renay Smith - Edited - Edited.png
Renay Smith
Office Manager
Lisa Wilkerson - Edited - Edited.png
Lisa Wilkerson
Program Director
Jennifer Costello
Clinical Director
Brandi Maxey - Edited.png
Brandi Maxey
Intake Coordinator and Victims Service Specialist
Debbie Wycoff - Edited.png
Debbie Wycoff
Lead Forensic Interviewer
Joel Jimenez - Edited - Edited.png
Joel Jimenez
Military Connect
Victims Service Specialist
Irais Vargas - Edited - Edited.png
Irais Vargas
Forensic Interviewer &
Family Advocate
Ben Holman - Edited.png
Ben Holman
Family Advocate
Jennifer Gibson - Edited - Edited.png
Jennifer Gibson
Treasure Hines - Edited - Edited.png
Treasure Hines
Taylor Slagle - Edited - Edited.png
Taylor Slagle

Our History

The Children's Advocacy Center of Central Texas (CACCT) began in 1997 when George Moffat, a former Bell County Sheriff's Office investigator recognized the need for a child-friendly interview facility where interviews of young victims could be conducted. In 1998, Jack Mazzucca, former Bell County Investigator, and several other board members formed the non-profit, CACCT, and hired Michelle Carter as the first executive director.


The CACCT expanded to Coryell County in 2001 and merged with CASA of Bell and Coryell Counties in 2007. However, in 2015, CASA split off as a separate entity. In 2017, the CACCT grew again to encompass Milam County.


Today, the center serves more than 850 children through approximately 5,000 specialized services. The agency budget has grown from $89,000 in 1999 to over $1 million in 2024. To date, we have served more than 10,000 children and their families in Bell, Coryell, and Milam County.

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